Work visa authorizes people who aspire to travel abroad in order to get a job or hire a concerted job.
Permanent residence refers to the state of residence of a person in a country of which he or she is not a citizen.
If an individual wishes to study in Canada, Australia, USA. You must apply for a study permit in Canada (student visa of Canada).
If one needs to travel to a country for a temporary period of time for work reasons, a business visa is the most convenient means to do so.
A visitor visa can have a variety of purposes ranging from obtaining medical treatment, for short-term business purposes or even for leisure.
If the two governments agreed to change this type of visa, opportunities for young people from both countries would be greatly expanded.
We also help with other family based employment based and investment based Immigration. Praesent eui vel aliquam nisl efficitur eu.
Last 10 Years Of Experiences We have Deliver Highest Success Stories in Lowest Process Time. Our enthusiastic team of dynamic, young, and highly focused professionals work in a dedicated manner to provide an impeccable service to turn your dream into reality. Backed by veteran lawyers and professional advisors, our expert advisors understand their detailed objectives to offer solutions tailored to individual needs.
Distributed throughout the vast geographical area, including countries such as the USA., The United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, our lawyers help you prepare and send quality requests without compromise, ensuring that your application is as strong as possible. All our team is well equipped with in-depth knowledge through intense weekly sessions that help them provide an absolute quality service and updated information for you.
We have helped students, business persons, tourists, clients with medical needs to acquire U.S. visas. Besides, we also help with other family and provide counseling services for immigration
We have helped students, business persons, tourists, clients with medical needs to acquire U.S. visas. Besides, we also help with other family and provide counseling services for immigration
See All PartnersI had a dream to study in New Zealand. Magic Immigration gave me an opportunity to shape up my career in New Zealand. When I first went to Magic immigration , I was delighted with the services given to me while processing my application. I am highly impressed with their professionalism and commitment.
During the search of a reliable agent to process my student visa to New Zealand, a friend of mine suggested Magic Immigration is a trustworthy place. Later, I found the quality of work and attention to detail, throughout the period, was extremely impressive. I didn't suffer from any visa delays because I had been given proper guidelines to prepare my documents.
Hats off to Magic Immigration. You have done a great job. I am very much honored to keep in touch with you. Your assistance was tremendous and priceless. Your positive ideas and guidance encouraged me a lot.I was able to get an offer from the Southern Institute of Technology to do my Post Graduate Diploma in Business Enterprise.